Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 9, 2014

Science and Technology

Science is a way of practising knowledge, as well as the knowledge itself, whereas technology is the application of science, particularly to industrial or commercial objectives. Technology can also be defined as the scientific methods and materials used to achieve industrial objectives.
The social is developing everyday that means the needs for people life is higher, that's why there are a lot of inventions that are suitable for people work. For example : tv, computer, internet, mobile phone,...But, is the progression of science and technology 100% good for people life? The answer is no. There are also a lot of problems came out toward this progression, everything have its own dark side.Some main problems that are popular now are: 
+Urbanization is leading to deforestation and the wild animals are getting eliminated. Rivers are dying, seas are retiring backwards in some zones but causes sea depression , sea quakes and kind of tsunami.
+ The ozone layer is weakening , the melting of ice in north poles, cold waves, floods hurricanes earthquakes. 
+The surprises in invention and nuclear power, chemical bombs, destructive weapons, chemical bombs.These kind of invention might cause dangerous to people life a lot.
+The application of bio engineering in food production, use of harmful pesticides and hormones for the artificial fertility.
+People started to depend a lot more on technology.You can see at school nowadays, there are a lot of student depend too much on calculator that they just can't do the basic math, or everybody outside are always "stuck" in their smart phone , no more communicate,..
+Also there are problem with the internet.For example , there are a lot of bad information or news in their that might caused to the children, or piracy issue, people lost their important file, and the hacker got the money, internet also a place to develop the trade about drugs,.. 
So what is the solutions?
In my opinion, first we have to improve the natural, organize more campaign about plant trees. Also clarify dirty water, and tell people not to waste so much water. Decrease producing the nuclear bombs, and create some main rules for people to protect and respect the nature more.At school, let the students use their brain more, encourage them not to use calculator so much, also encourage people to communicate in formal life. I think the government should manage the internet more and start to train more people to study about computer things, they will the best helper.There are a lot of solutions to help this issues, these are only my ideas.Hope you ẹnoy it!

Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 9, 2014


Piracy basically is a similar act of robbery, but it happens at the sea, and usually people steal things from the ship and the one who does it called "pirate".
But then, when the social change , a new kind of piracy appears, piracy on the internet,these people make illegal copies of computer program ,books,CDs and then sold with lower prices in the 'grey market' or maybe free in some internet websites.According to the Business Software Alliance (BSA),about 36% of all software in current use is stolen.   
Also there are one more kind of piracy, that is when people making unlicensed,illegal television or radio broadcasts.
Why is Piracy is an dangerous problem?
First, people can get in danger in the middle of the sea, pirates can hit them or even kill them,or they will have no food, lost all the facilities that worth a fortune,..
Second, if your private stuff on the computer one day appear in the internet, how that would be?If  some company important folders publish on the internet, or some books that haven't come out now is there in the internet, or some free private mp3,...that will be the end of that company,author,..they will lost a big amount of money and all the effort that they have put in.
What is the solution?
Remember to make peace with the pirates when met them at the sea, do not yelling or trying to do anything
For online pirate, prove that the software is worth to pay.
Do not put the very high prices.
Don't make the law to complicated.
Remember to put the private folder very carefully.
Do not click in the strange links or advertises.

Thứ Ba, 16 tháng 9, 2014

Income Inequality

Income Inequality also known as economic inequality or wealth and income differences. This basically is when people earn different incomes, and that create rich and poor people. Income helps people to exist in life, that's why people have to work to earn it, but the social is more develop now, that's why there are a lot of different income and people thinks it's unfair. Income inequality often presented as the percentage of income to the percentage of population. So how does the problem goes?
Due to the statistics....
  • The total wealth of 7 billion people in the world is amounts to be 241$ trillion.
  • In that,1% of the richest owns 46% -or 110$ trillion- of the wealth.
  • And the bottom 50% owns less than 1%-or 1.7$ trillion-of the wealth.

You can see in the social life, CEO always make a lot of money a year mean that time workers only get maybe a part of the CEO did. For example, in Vietnam, some small CEO might get 500 millions/ month, but the income of the workers is only between 2-10 millions/month.This due to the stage of education, people with the higher level of education will have more opportunities to work as a CEO.
Government are trying to fill the gap between the richer and the poorer.According to Seth Klein, director, CCPA BC, he points out some solutions such as reform labour laws to make unionization easier; strengthen and enforce employment standards so that vulnerable workers are paid that they are owed; stem the use of temporary foreign workers and ensure workers coming from other countries have full workplace rights, equal pay, and gain landed immigrant status; and ensure workers have access to employment insurance and welfare when in need, so that they are free to push for better pay and working conditions.In addition, we can fix this problem by mainly develop the education of people, fix the tax system, make more benefit for the lower stage of people, equal the income for workers, create better conditions for people to work, open the charity for poorer people and give them opportunities to work and make money.