Thứ Sáu, 31 tháng 10, 2014


The development of our society lead to many problems. People starts to trample each other for their own profits, they really don’t care about legal or not, they just do it. For example, sell drugs, piracy,…One of the most dangerous thing happen now is Human Trafficking. And unfortunately , Human Trafficking is common all around the world nowadays. Day by day, there are tons of people have been traffic and the amount are seem to grow more in the future.

 So, what is human trafficking actually? This is the kind of trading people, usually women and children for sexual slavery, forced labor, extraction of organs or tissues, including surrogacy and ova removal,… According to, victims of human trafficking can be divided into 3 main groups: Children under age 18 induced into commercial sex, adults aged 18 or over induced into commercial sex through force, fraud, or coercion, children and adults induced to perform labor or services through force, fraud, or coercion.

 Which countries have the highest rate of human trafficking?According to, 10 countries that have highest rate in human trafficking are :  China, Ghana,  Uganda, Nepal, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Haiti,  Brazil, Bangladesh. Usually, people are being traffic those who are poor, have a misery life, or they need money for their family,.. They usually being cheated because bad people promise to help them find more money or promise to make their life better.

 Have you ever imagine about the life of the people after they have been traffic? They are starved, and beaten by their boss, some have to eat the food that have been thrown away. According to what I know, teenage girl or woman that after being sold through China, they have to “serve” about 15-20 men a day, and starved until almost die, sometimes if they don’t except, they will be beaten and leave naked all day.

So, what is the cause of this issue? In my opinion, there are tons of causes will happen if this issue continuing to grow. First, about the sexual slavery, this will cause to the increase of some dangerous diseases: HIV/AIDS or lead to the increase of abortion or death infants, also there are some cases that teenagers have to be a mother very early, and their children will not be educated very well. Second, human trafficking will be an opportunities for the crime to increase more. For example, people will do anything if they don’t have money for their life, and bad people will do bad things, they will traffic human and then after a while, there will be a lot of organizations to sell people. Third, the social evils increase mean that the economic, politics in that country decrease.

What can we do to help?
- Nowadays, there are many organization to support and help people survive and escape after they have been traffic, so we can find a way to tell people to donate money for them.
-Tell the police when you see anything might include in human trafficking.
-Tell your family about it and what are happening now in the world.

-Government should stricter in the laws and put some knowledge about it for younger teenager ( also included way to avoid it).

Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 10, 2014

International Trade

International Trade is something that affects every individual in every country, daily. So, what is international trade basically? International trade is the exchange of capital, goods, and services across international borders or territories. This type of trade gives rise to a world economy, in which prices, or supply and demand, affect and are affected by global events.

These are some international trade problems:Intellectual property including copyright, patent and trademarks, lack foreign competitive bidding, increasing imports and unfair competition,....

I think the World Trade Organization(WTO) is doing a good job in improving the international trade.Right now, there are 160 countries include in this WTO.The World Trade Organization (WTO) deals with the global rules of trade between nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.
According to, here are some top reasons that WTO should be opposed by people:
1. The WTO Is Fundamentally Undemocratic
2. The WTO Will Not Make Us Safer
3. The WTO Tramples Labor and Human Rights
4. The WTO Would Privatize Essential Services
5. The WTO Is Destroying the Environment
6. The WTO is Killing People
7. The WTO is Increasing Inequality
8. The WTO is Increasing Hunger
9. The WTO Hurts Poor, Small Countries in Favor of Rich Powerful Nations
10. The WTO Undermines Local Level Decision-Making and National Sovereignty
11. There are Alternatives to the WTO
12. The Tide is Turning Against Free Trade and the WTO!
In my opinion, international trade is a necessary thing for every country and also the whole world.So, if people want to improve and develop it, basically just don't export and import facilities with higher price, also ensure about the quality of the goods also facilities and finally, help some country that don't want to trade to understand that they need this to develop and improve their country problems.

Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 10, 2014

Health Care

Health care has been a necessary thing for every countries until now. So, what is a health system?  A health system is the sum total of all the organizations, institutions and resources whose primary purpose is to improve health. A health system needs staff, funds, information, supplies, transport, communications and overall guidance and direction. And it needs to provide services that are responsive and financially fair, while treating people decently.
First,let's look over to the health care system at Sweden, which is one of the top countries that have the best health care system. Sweden priorities better healthcare. That's why, they spend 9 percent of GDP on healthcare. Sweden proportionally has one of Europe’s largest elderly populations.The average life span is now 83.7 years for women and 80.1 years for men.In Sweden,everyone has equal access to health care services under a largely decentralised, taxpayer-funded system.The responsibility for health and medical care in Sweden is shared by the central government, county councils and municipalities.Children under 18 will enjoy the same rights as Swedish children, which means that not only will they have rights to emergency care, but they will also have access to dentistry and preventive care through the all-important years of development.
Now, let's move to another places, South Africa. Health care in South Africa varies from the most basic primary health care, offered free by the state, to highly specialised, hi-tech health services available in both public and private sector. The public sector is under-resourced and over-subscribed. Diagnostic facilities in state hospitals are lacking; wards are crowded.South Africa emerges with 44.2 infant deaths per 1,000 live births, life expectancy in the republic in 2007 was 50.5 years.
What is the solutions for health care system problem basically? For poorer country, i think government should focus more on the efficiency of the public health, improve children mortality, reduce maternal. In africa, people should find a way to increase some dangerous diseases by improving the food and the water problems. Also, invest more diagnostic facilities and more kind of medicine. Improving the funds problem.

Thứ Bảy, 4 tháng 10, 2014


A drug is any substance, natural or artificial, other than food, that by its chemical nature alters structure or function in a living organism.A psychoactive drug is a drug that specifically affects thoughts, emotions, or behavior.An illicit drug is one that is unlawful to possess or use.
There are many kind of drugs.Let's check it out!
Medicines: Whenever you get sick, you go to the hospital and the doctor will give you some kind of medicines.Medicines are legal drugs,it helps people with their illness.

Cigarettes and Alcohol are also legal drugs too.But smoking and excessive drinking are not healthy for adults, also off limits for kids.

Illegal Drugs:such as marijuana, ecstasy, cocaine, LSD, crystal meth, and heroin. Illegal drugs can damage the brain, heart, and other important organs.While using drugs, people are also less able to do well in school, sports, and other activities. It's often harder to think clearly and make good decisions. People can do dumb or dangerous things that could hurt them — or other people — when they use drugs.
So what can we do for help? Just educated your children to stay away from bad drugs. Also, try to increase legalized illegal drugs as much as we can. Try to organize some groups of people to help addicts get better.